Kid’s Wellness Synergy Blend 18ml
Kid’s Wellness Blend is a combination of chamomile, lavender, Sweet orange and fir balsam essential oils. This blend that has many many uses for kids of all ages but especially children under the age of 2.
By using Kid’s Wellness Blend you are using an oil that is highly recommended and recognized as a safe practice essential oil combination.
Kid’s Wellness Blend is a combination of chamomile, lavender, Sweet orange and fir balsam essential oils. This blend that has many many uses for kids of all ages but especially children under the age of 2.
By using Kid’s Wellness Blend you are using an oil that is highly recommended and recognized as a safe practice essential oil combination.
Kid’s Wellness Blend is a combination of chamomile, lavender, Sweet orange and fir balsam essential oils. This blend that has many many uses for kids of all ages but especially children under the age of 2.
By using Kid’s Wellness Blend you are using an oil that is highly recommended and recognized as a safe practice essential oil combination.
Children are the most precious of all, they need to be cared for, loved and understood in order to develop their hope in pursuing their dreams in life.
Do not take unnecessary and unsafe risks by using essential oils that are harmful. For example: it is not advised for parents to use either peppermint, eucalyptus or rosemary essential oil for children under the age of 2. They all contain a constituent called 1.8-cineol which has caused serious toxicity in children. The combination of essential oils in the blend is all that you will need. We do not recommend that you experiment with any others.
Kid’s Wellness Blend is most effective when used in a diffuser. Add 3 -4 drops into diffuser before bedtime. Here are some to look at if you are interested.
For colds and coughs you can also add 3 drops to 1oz of fractionated coconut oil and massage onto chest, neck and feet. Your child will really feel the benefits of having a massage too.
Powerful, aromatic properties of a Synergy blend! A combination of essential oils that work together for specific benefits. Our synergy blends are well-researched formulas to help you make wholesome and beneficial choices for your home and family.
Storage: Use amber or cobalt glass bottles, avoid heat and light.
According to Tisserand and Young (2014), The instillation of 1,8 cineole into the nose results in both oral ingestion and inhalation of this component.
“Non-fatal but serious toxicity in children has been reported in France, Belgium, and the UK with solutions containing either menthol, niaouli, Olbas oil, or 1,8 cineole that were instilled into the nose of children ranging from age 1 month to 3 years. Toxicity or poisoning results in various manifestations from irritated mucous membranes, tachycardia, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, muscular weakness, drowsiness and coma. (Tisserand and Young, 2014 citing: Melis et al 1989, Reynolds 1993, Wylie et al 1994, and Decocq et al 1996.)”
Powerful, aromatic properties of a Synergy blend! A combination of essential oils that work together for specific benefits. Our synergy blends are well-researched formulas to help you make wholesome and beneficial choices for your home and family.
Cautions: DO NOT DRINK essential oils. Dilute before use; may cause skin irritation in some individuals, so a skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. For best results Diffuse or use topically with a carrier oil. Old or oxidized oils should be avoided.
Pure Joy Naturals provides this essential oils guide for educational purposes only and not as medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner or resource on essential oil uses, safety and precautions for all essential oils.